The Human Resources Department deals with the following areas:
Staff Structure
The following Resignations and Retirements took place during 2008:
TOTAL | 7 | TOTAL | 23 |
Staff Returns
Human Resources compiles a return of staff numbers which is submitted to the Department of Environment, Heritage & Local Government every quarter. The following staff details were returned for quarter ending 31.12.2009:
Managerial | 5 | 5 |
Clerical/Administrative | 187 | 169.35 |
Professional/Technical | 80 | 79.60 |
Outdoor | 301 | 284 |
Supernumeries | 9 | 9 |
Contract | 15 | 14.49 |
National Development Plan Project Staff | 2 | 2 |
Temporary/Seasonal Staff | 1 | 1 |
Fire-Fighter | 65 | N/A |
Non DoEHLG | 11 | 87.5 |
TOTAL | 676 | 651.94 |
Staff Welfare
Kilkenny Local Authorities have an Employee Assistance Programme in partnership with Quinn Healthcare. The Programme is designed to assist individuals in dealing with their personal and work related problems. The service is provided through a confidential helpline and face to face interaction offering both counselling and information services. The service is a valuable management tool in maintaining employee well-being and enhancing organisational performance.
Staff Leave
The following staff availed of Work Life Balance Schemes:
Term Time Leave | 8 |
Work Share | 40 |
Parental Leave | 21 (369.5 days) |
Equality and Diversity
Kilkenny Local Authorities fully subscribe to the principles of equality as set out in the Employment Equality Acts 1998 & 2004. During the year training was provided to staff in equality and diversity which is ongoing. The Equality Action Team work in partnership with the Human Resources Department in ensuring compliance with all policies in relation to equality and diversity.
Service Indicators
The Service Indicators for Kilkenny Local Authorities as at September 2009:
C1. Percentage of Working days lost to sickness absence through
Certified Leave | 3.74% |
Uncertified Leave | 0.969% |
Recruitment and Selection
Kilkenny Local Authorities is an equal opportunities employer. Independent Interview Boards are appointed to recommend the most suitable candidates for employment in accordance with the various qualifications and particulars of employment which apply to the grades concerned. Vacancies arising in Kilkenny Local Authorities are advertised as follows:
- Local or National Press
- Kilkenny Local Authorities Website: www.kilkennycoco.ie
- National Website: www.localgovernmentjobs.ie
Eleven[11] separate interviews were held during the year for various permanent and temporary positions. See Table for breakdown of competitions.
Since March 2009 there has been a Moratorium on staff recruitment and sanction from the Department is required for any new positions or the filling of vacancies arising from resignations, retirements etc.
Training Learning and Development
Kilkenny Local Authorities recognise Training, Development and Learning as a key pillar in the support of quality customer service, meeting statutory requirements and supporting ongoing staff learning and development. These goals reflect central principles in the Council's Corporate Plan and underpin the Council's Training Policy. Training is a core function within the Human Resource Department. The annual Training Plans are specific to Health and Safety and other general training. These Plans are effective training delivery templates. These Plans derive directly from statutory requirements, organisational needs, performance management and development targets and personal professional development needs.
Training delivery is met by means of a combination of in-house and external trainers. Where possible internal trainers are retained as a shared resource between Local Authorities in the South-East Region, as co-ordinated through the Roscrea Regional Training Centre. The year 2009 saw a sustained emphasis on preparation to meet stringent Health and Safety requirements, relating to road-works and excavations, key areas in meeting service delivery on route-ways and central to sustaining water services, through maintenance and repairs.
The overall expansion of focus was spearheaded by the course titled Health and Safety at Road-works, a one day program derived from the central Signing, Lighting and Guarding module which itself extended into 2009, in terms of final conclusion of delivery. The Health and Safety at road works module aimed at a general awareness of Safety issues and targeted General Operatives and those not directly involved in the design or modification of road-works signage.
The requirements of designers of road-works were met by means of the specifically developed Traffic Management for Designers Course. This highly specialised module was delivered through the Roscrea Regional Training Centre, by external training companies, the services of which were secured by competitive tender.
Safe Pass Training, a statutory requirement with significant personal and Organisational benefits, in terms of personal awareness, competency development and increased safety, continued on a rolling needs basis. The multi-annual renewal phase for a large number of staff commenced towards the latter part of the year.
The year 2009 allowed a focus on Awareness Training. Of particular interest and importance was the provision of Disability Equality Awareness Training. The training was provided to staff across the organisation and was viewed as vital in developing social and technical understanding of an area of common concern and substantial investment in terms of engineering and re-engineering of the built environment. Staff feedback on the course was universally positive and reflected the ethos of a true learning organisation having a high level of social awareness.
A specialised supporting technical module was provided for designers of streetscapes and the built environment in general. Here again the course feedback was positive and reflected an enhanced level of competency and credibility as a result of training.
On a similarly structured organisational basis awareness training, focusing on the perils of Fraud and Corruption, was rolled out to all staff across all areas. This training was delivered by the Council's Internal Auditor, as an internal service. Training in the areas of fire safety, first aid and road signage are other examples of internally facilitated training.
Health & Safety
A. Safety Consultation/ Committees
B. Safety Statements
C. Training
D. Departmental Health & Safety
E. Accident management & Corrective Action
F. Emergency Planning & Equipment Programme
G. Health Control Programme
H. Design Control & Purchasing
A. Safety Consultation/ Committees
Joint Consultative Safety Committee (JCSC)
- Met quarterly
- Committee consulted & informed on:
- H&S Programme 2009 progress
- H&S Training Plan delivery 2009
Items raised - controlled/provided for:
- Progress Report 2009
- Lone Working system roll out
- Unstable hitches replacement
- Hi Viz vest sample testing & selection
- Tractor (Thomastown) - smooth ride system installation
- Water Services H&S Sub - Committee outcomes
Safety Management Committee (SMC)
- Met three times over the year.
- Safety Programme approval & roll out
- Training Plan 2009 approval
- JCSC issue action
Approval following amendment for:
- Competent technical staff to undertake construction project assessments not administrative staff
- PPE Enforcement
- PPE Programme - glove issue
SSWP rollout
- Welfare facilities / water provision
- Emergencies protocol
South Eastern Regional Advisory Committee SERAC -
- Met quarterly
- SERAC SEMINAR: Construction Seminar - Apply the Code
- SERAC Seminar: Risk Assessment Workshop - The Key to Healthy Workplaces
B. Safety Statements
Ancillary Safety Statements
Updated encompassing:
- SSWP's - Training of all relevant staff in use of same
- Emergency Protocol
Site/Job specific Safety Statements
Prepared for:
- Housing
- Workshop
- Safe System of Work - Housing maintenance piloted
Traffic Wardens
- Awaiting approval
- Staff Awareness delivered
- Machinery Yard - updated
Water Services
- Radestown
- Kells
- Crossybrennans
- Muckalee
- Water Services Workshop
- Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO) procedures implemented
- Woodstock
- Litter Wardens - awaiting approval
- Area Offices
- Graveyard - Awating approval
- Bin Lorry - risk assessment & safety report
- Fire Services
Job Specific Safety Statements - Operations completed
- Operation Action Plan progress:
- Appliance check sheet
- Cordon control procedures
- Incident command system implementation
- Height Access Audit
- Lifting equipment testing
Confined space Access Audit
- Training
- Equipment provision
- Traffic Management Equipment Audit
- Decontamination procedures & facilities
- Risk assessment training development & delivery
- Stop/Go training development & delivery
Site Specific Safety Statement - Station template completed
Station Action Plan Progress:
- Provision & maintenance of fire fighting equipment - All Stations
C. Training
SSWP for Working on Roads
CSCS Signing, Lighting & Guarding
CSCS Health & safety at Roadworks
CSCS Locating Underground Services
Water/Wastewater Safety
Ride-on Roller
CSCS Teleporter
Asbestos Handling
Manual Handling
Lock Out/ Tag Out Training
Confined Space - C3
Chlorine Handling
Lifting Equipment Statutory test information sessions
PAT Testing Information Sessions
Violence & Aggression Training
Security & Armed Hold UP Training
Risk Assessment & safety Statement - Fire Services
Stop/Go Operation - Fire Services
D. Departmental Health & Safety
Roads -
Roadworks Safety Management System update & training
- Consultation
- Chapter 8 Update
- Guidance for the Control & Management of Roadworks
Roads Ancillary Safety Statement
- SSWP - Roads
- Emergency Procedures
- Safe System of Work Plan training & implementation
- CSCS Signing, Lighting & Guarding
- CSCS H&S at Roadworks
Water Services -
Water Services H&S Sub-Committee
Action Plan progress
- Welfare facilities - Radestown / Castlecomer
- Railings - Troyswood / Clonassy
- Fencing - Hebron
- Safety signage provision
- Design considerations
- Safe System of Work Plan - roadworks training & implementation
- Traffic Management resource analysis and provision
- ADR Requirements - Safe Chlorine transportation
- Lifting / rescue equipment certification & testing
- Battery charging unit risk assessment
- Confined spaces safe system of work
- LOTO procedure implementation and training
- Access Facilities - Radestown
- Weils disease card development & circulation
- Lighting
- Electrical socket replacement / electrical upgrade - Clonassy / Griagnuemaniagh / Moonenroe / Rockshire / Thomastown
- Chlorine leak detection upgrade - All plants
- Workstation Analysis System sourcing & purchase
- Workstation analyses
- Office noise report
Community Centre
Safety inspection & report
Library - Graignuemanaigh
Security & safety report
Lone Worker & dealing with Violence & Aggression
Risk assessments carried out for Traffic Wardens
Attempts made to pilot the lone worker system on Traffic wardens.
Lone worker System purchased for Water Services.
Overhead Powerline Booklet development
Event Safety
Event Safety LASAG Sub - committee: Chairperson
- Event Safety Flowchart
- Homecoming Event Safety Management Plan & training / briefings / meetings
- Homecoming de-briefing & debriefing reports
Major Emergency Plan Exercise
Risk Assessments
Risk Assessments
Statutory/ Technical Inspections Programme
Lifting Equipment - Commenced
Pat Testing - ready for roll out
E. Accident management & Corrective Action
- Accident Investigations / reporting
- Corrective action follow up
F. Emergency Planning & Equipment Programme
County Hall
- Fire alarm test
- Fire drill
- Fire marshal appointments & briefing
- Emergency Evacuation procedure revision & circulation
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEPs) revision
- Fire Action Notices revision
Johns Green
- Fire Marshal appointment
- PEEP / Fire action development & circulation
City Hall
- Emergency Evacuation Procedure
- PEEP's
- Fire Action Plans
City Library
- Fire Action Notices
- Refer to Section B
Castlecomer Library & Area Office
- Fire Officer inspection & report
- Fire Action Notices
Graignuemanaigh Library
- Fire Officer inspection & report
- Fire Action Notices
Refer to Section B - emergency plans included as part of Safety Statements
G. Health Control Programme
- Confined Space Medicals
H. Design Control & Purchasing
Health & Safety Tender / construction requirements advice
Roadwork Safety Management System / Procedures review
PPE Programme
Rolled out to KCC but not KBC
Review of glove issue